Saturday, January 4, 2014

WISDOM CONFESSION | Martina Aderonke Fatogun (Mum Ope)

God of all wisdom, you made the earth by your power, founded the world by your wisdom and stretched out the heavens by your understanding (Jer. 51:15), you are wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom (Is. 28:29), praise be to your name forever and ever. Wisdom and power are yours. You change times and seasons, giving wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. You know what lies in the darkness and light dwells with you (Dan.2:20-22).

Today, I ask for wisdom and I thank and praise you because you have given me wisdom and power (Jas.1:5 & Dan.2:23)

I have the mind of Christ (1 Cor.2:16) therefore I have the wisdom from heaven. Wisdom that is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (Jas.3:17). I have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know God better; the eyes of my heart are enlightened to know the hope to which he has called me. (Eph.1:17, 18).

I refuse to rest my faith on the wisdom of men or worldly wisdom but rather I rest my faith on God’s wisdom and power (1 Cor.2:5). I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding (Col. 1:9).

Because the Spirit of the Lord is living in me I have insight, intelligence and outstanding wisdom (Dan. 5:14) I have understanding, I have the Spirit of counsel and power, I have the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. I will delight in the fear of the Lord. I will not judge by what I see with my eyes or decide by what I hear with my ears; but with righteousness I will judge the needy, with justice I will give decisions for the poor of the earth. I will strike the earth with the rod of my mouth; with the breath of my lips I will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be my belt and faithfulness the sash around my waist (Is.11:2-5).

My wisdom will not be static but will grow in accordance with the riches of God’s grace which He lavished on me with all wisdom and understanding (Eph.1:8) and I will always be filled with wisdom and God’s grace (Luke2:40).

In every matter of wisdom and understanding I will always be ten times better (Dan.1:20) speaking with wisdom and tact (Dan.2:14). My mouth will speak words of wisdom always and the utterance from my heart will give understanding (Ps.49:3). God teaches me wisdom in the inmost place (Ps.51:6) therefore I know the proper time and procedure for every matter (Ecc.8:6).

I have the wisdom to fight battles without the use of physical weapons of war (Ecc.9:18). Through me the manifold wisdom of God will be made known (Eph.3:11). I have the wisdom that will save me from the ways of wicked men (Pro.2:12). God has given me words and wisdom that none of my adversaries will be able to resist or contradict (Luke 21:15); they will not be able to stand up against my wisdom or the Spirit by whom I speak (Acts 6:10).

The Lord Jesus alone remains the sure foundation for my times, a rich store of salvation, and wisdom and knowledge (Is.33:6). Amen and amen.

- Martina Aderonke Fatogun (Mum Ope)

1 comment:

  1. This is simply profound. This summarizes it all for me. Most times when i need such heavy dose of wisdom i usually just take on proverbs 1-31 which takes about 1hr +. But this condensed version will go a long way for those days of serious tight schedules. God bless the writer of this awesome piece with more Wisdom! - Otunba
